Monday, November 16, 2009

Arlene & Declan 31st October 2009

The Wedding of Arlene and Declan took place in Louisburgh in Co Mayo. We started out early in Arlenes home where we captured the preparation, I must say a very relaxed bunch. It was then onto the church where myself and the photographer Richard Chadwick met up with Declan he was a little nervous, but that was to be expected.

The church looked amazing and the service went beautifully with a lovely homely from Fr. Long and some great music from Marie and Caroline.

The photos were taken at Westport House a wonderful scenic location. It was back to the Knockranny House Hotel in Westport for a lavish meal, fun speeches and to dance the night away.

Thank you guys for letting me share in your special occasion !!!

Declan & Arlene 31st 0ctober 2009 from Declan Gleeson on Vimeo.